
Egyptian model of a house

For the classroom

Terracotta model of a house


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Limestone model of a town house


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Book of the Dead of the scribe Nakht


Painting from the Book of the Dead of the scribe Nakht, showing a house with air vents on the roof and a garden with fruit trees, a pool and grape vines.

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Wooden tomb model showing brickmaking.

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Exterior of a house


Painted wall plaster from the exterior of a house.

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Painting of jewellers and metalworkers


Tomb painting of jewellers and metalworkers, showing stools, tables, chests and boxes.

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Wealthy guests at a banquet


Tomb painting showing wealthy guests at a banquet sitting on chairs with cushions.

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Mud bricks used in an archaeological conservation

Source: biblicalarchaeology.org

Slideshow of mud bricks being made and used in an archaeological conservation project, with instructions for making mud bricks.

Visit the site http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/ancient-cultures/daily-life-and-practice/how-to-make-a-mudbrick/

Making of mud bricks

Source: history.howstuffworks.com

Short video showing mud bricks being made.

See this video on history.howstuffworks.com http://history.howstuffworks.com/4440-brick-making-in-egypt-video.htm

Geometric patterns used as decorations

Source: etc.usf.edu

Egyptian clipart with examples of geometric patterns used in ceiling decoration, also furniture and a brickmaking scene.

Visit the site http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/galleries/179-egyptian-ornament

A comparison of a farmer and a nobleman

Source: ancientegypt.co.uk

A story comparing the homes and lives of a farmer and a nobleman.

Visit the site http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/life/story/main.html

Story of a farmer and a nobleman

Source: ancientegypt.co.uk

Activity and worksheet for the story of a farmer and a nobleman.

Visit the site Activity and worksheet for the story of a farmer and a nobleman

Outside the classroom

Most museums with an Egyptian collection have some objects related to Egyptian homes and how they were decorated and furnished. Here is a small selection.

New Walk Museum and Art Gallery, Leicester

Source: leicester.gov.uk

Visit the site http://www.leicester.gov.uk/your-council-services/lc/leicester-city-museums/museums/nwm-art-gallery/

National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

Source: nms.ac.uk

Visit the site http://www.nms.ac.uk/national-museum-of-scotland

Egypt Centre, University of Wales, Swansea

Source: egypt.swan.ac.uk

Visit the site http://www.egypt.swan.ac.uk/

Ulster Museum

Source: nmni.com/um

Visit the site http://www.nmni.com/um

Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Source: ashmolean.org

Visit the site http://www.ashmolean.org/

Bristol Museum and Art Gallery

Source: bristolmuseums.org.uk

Visit the site http://www.bristolmuseums.org.uk/bristol-museum-and-art-gallery/

Manchester Museum

Source: manchester.ac.uk

Visit the site http://www.manchester.ac.uk/museum

World Museum, Liverpool

Source: liverpoolmuseums.org.uk

Visit the site http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/wml/

British Museum

Source: britishmuseum.org

Visit the site http://www.britishmuseum.org

Egyptian model of a house