
Head of the emperor Hadrian

For the classroom

Head of Hadrian


A view from the front.

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Head of Hadrian


A view from the side.

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Bust of Hadrian


Marble bust of Hadrian wearing military dress, from his private Villa in Tivoli.

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A torso of Hadrian


Torso of a statue of Hadrian, found in the north African city Cyrene. This statue was probably displayed in a public space in the city.

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Septimius Severus


Statue of Emperor Septimius Severus found at Alexandria. The back of the statue is flat, with no carved detail, suggesting that it was part of a public building or monument, probably placed in a niche and therefore not viewed from behind.

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Emperor Constantine


This head of Emperor Constantine was found close to the site of the Principia (the religious and administrative headquarters) of the Roman fortress in York. Due to the severe weathering of the head it has been suggested that the large statue of Constantine stood outside the entrance to this important building.

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© York Museums Trust.

Hadrian’s Wall

Source: bbc.co.uk

BBC class clips: Hadrian's Wall. A short video introduction to Hadrian’s Wall.

Watch this video on bbc.co.uk http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/hadrians-wall-pt-1-4/11765.html

Outside the classroom

Here are some relevant museums and sites to visit.

Hadrian’s Wall

Source: english-heritage.org.uk

Visit the site http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/daysout/hadrianswall/

Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum, South Shields

Source: twmuseums.org.uk

Visit the site http://www.twmuseums.org.uk/arbeia.html

Great North Museum, Newcastle

Source: twmuseums.org.uk

Visit the site http://www.twmuseums.org.uk/great-north-museum.html

Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend

Source: twmuseums.org.uk

Visit the site http://www.twmuseums.org.uk/segedunum-roman-fort.html

Tullie House Museum in Carlisle

Source: tulliehouse.co.uk

Visit the site http://www.tulliehouse.co.uk

Yorkshire Museum

Source: yorkshiremuseum.org.uk

Visit the site http://www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk

British Museum

Source: britishmuseum.org

Visit the site http://www.britishmuseum.org

Head of the emperor Hadrian